Q3412 50Kn 4 point Bending Fixture Top only
This is a special fixture to ASTM C 651-11 and consists of the top half a the four point bending fixture with two anvil sizes and articulation in two axese and the anvils can also roll on their long axis. This was made as a special for a customer with an existing 3 point bending fixture. This fixture can be altered to suit particular customer requirements
Full Description
Q3412 50Kn 4 point Bending Fixture Top only to ASTM C651-11 Flexural testing of Manufactures Carbon and Graphite Articles
Maximum load 50kN
Sample size Max width 75mm, two fixed spans,50 mm and 25 mm.
Anvils 2.5 mm and 5 mm radii
Sample type Carbon and Graphite articles.
Weight Approximately 1.5Kg