Special Machines for the Materials Testing Industry
At Seatallan, we have always worked with clients to produce special grips and fixtures and special testing machines to order. Designed and manufactured in-house, these bespoke items have provided excellent service over a long life span.
Here are just three of the special materials testing projects we have undertaken, to illustrate our capability and our commitment to producing satisfactory solutions to unusual problems.
Falling Weight Machine to ASTM 1234
This machine was created for impact testing of plastic pipes, and was designed and built in our factory for an Eastern Block customer.
This bespoke falling weight tester is pneumatically operated and controlled and safety interlocked to prevent accidental dropping of the weight.
A section of pipe is placed in the V block on the base of the machine, and the weight lifted to the pre-set height. The weight cannot drop until the safety guard is in place. The hemispherical weight is released and radially impacts the pipe. The pipe section is then examined for failure. Drop height is adjustable up to 2 metres.
Cling Film Sample Cutter
Cling film is notoriously difficult to control and shape into a suitable sample for tensile testing. This customer had purchased a sample cutter from another company but found the device difficult to use and it did not produce correct samples.
We were approached to design and manufacture a pair of cutters to produce 5 samples 15mm wide and up to 200mm long. Our design was drawn and produced in 6 weeks.
As a result, we now sell a thin film sample cutter as part of our Plastic Film Testing range.
Falling Dart Machines
There are several designs for falling dart machines to ASTM1709/BS2345 on the market, but our customer wanted a basic mechanical machine without the cost and complexity of vacuum or pneumatic systems. We designed and produced this machine for him and it has been in continuous use for 3 years.
This design has also become part of our plastic film testers range, as the ST90 Falling Dart Impact Tester, compliant to ASTM D 1709.
What do you need?
If you require a specific testing machine, grip, jog, fixture or vice, just let us know. We can specify, design and manufacture items to order, or use an existing design adapted to your specific requirements. Since we do all this in-house through our sister company Seatallan Engineering, costs are significantly reduced over similar requests to OEMs. Call us on +44 (0)1489 790049 to discuss.